
Want more? My Patreon supporters get access to early copies of my books before anyone else and behind-the-scenes insight into what I'm working on. 

Click here to check it out!


More about the Patreon

Patreon is a site where you can to support your favourite creators (writers, artists, etc) by pledging a certain amount per month to pay them for making stuff you love. Most creators’ income is notoriously uneven, so having this kind of regular ongoing support helps so much! Plus you get all kinds of cool bonuses. :D

Here’s what my Patreon offers:

- Monthly updates on what I’m writing

- Early sneak peeks of cover art, chapter previews, and other art

- New series announcements months before I share them publicly

- Free novellas and short stories

- Early e-copies of all my self-published books

- Credit in the acknowledgements of all books I publish while you’re a member of the Patreon

- The chance to help me work towards longer-term goals like getting more of my backlist books into audiobook format and putting out more epic and urban fantasy books.

Writing full-time is an unpredictable career and there can be a lot of ups and downs. It’s hard to make good stories while worrying about finances, so I hope you’ll consider coming and joining me over there and becoming part of the community.

Once again, you can join me here!